Came To Believe

(2nd step Villanelle)

Came to believe a Power beyond me,
Spirit somewhere out there, I’m not aware;
Could maybe restore me to sanity.

Body broken, soul stilted from last spree,
There is hope, no need to cry in despair,
Came to believe a Power beyond me.

Discuss with my fellows over coffee,
Share faith, give experiences to compare,
Could maybe restore me to sanity.

Dark and dim at first, I begin to see,
Calmly consider, collect His care;
Came to believe a Power beyond me.

Not subject to apostolic decree,
My own God, no required creed to declare,
Could maybe restore me to sanity

Now set out on path to serenity
Seek His aid thru mediation and prayer
Came to believe a Power beyond me
Could maybe restore me to sanity.

Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.